Start your journey and apply online for the JDF Scholarship

Welcome to The ABB Jürgen Dormann Foundation for Engineering Education - Application platform

The Jürgen Dormann Foundation provides scholarships to engineering students in different parts of the world who can prove a high standard of academic achievement and who need financial support to be able to continue their studies. The scholarship program is currently available in Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey and Vietnam, where we collaborate with specific partner universities. A full list of our partner universities can be found here.

Application guidance

  • Applicants must pursue studies at one of our partner universities and be a resident of the country
  • Familiarize with the scholarship program, eligibility criterion, and other requirements
  • All scholarship applications must be submitted through this application platform
  • Applications can be started, saved as a draft before submission
  • Check your application before sending it, no change is possible after submission
  • Each application will be processed in a timely manner

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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